Margie's Birthday
April 17, 2011
It is her birthday today. When I see this paw print and read her words, I am reminded of her beautiful spirit, how much I learned from her and how much she continues to show me the way.
"I hope the paw print of the bear spirit touches us both and imprints her message of life on our hearts and our minds. I love you much my big sister who has shown me the way more than once. Love, Dr. Z. "
Happy birthday, Margie. Hope you're doing well, Josie.
I remember you, Margie.
I was just thinking about you this evening, Margie, because I received an e-mail from the ResearchGate service reporting that our Social Problems article, "Bad Attitudes and Good Soldiers: Soft Skills as a Code for Tractability in the Hiring of Immigrant Latina/Os over Native Blacks in the Hotel Industry" had been cited in an article about employment of people with disabilities in Singapore, believe it or not. On the page where ResearchGate describes the citation, they say "1 of your co-authors hasn't heard about this citation yet: Margaret M. Zamudio." No shit! ;) We did not have a great time working on this article, and the fact that it got published and cited multiple times is completely down to you. Man, would you love tearing into Trump! For that alone, you should still be here :). I'm so sorry you're gone. BTW, if the person who owns this page sees this note, you might want to update the links on the right -- all of them are broken except for the animal shelter. Peace.
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